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Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

Are these the same asshats responsible for Intellius and all the other names of their data aggregating BS?

Message 31 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

 I called and the girl was speaking in circles and wouldn't answer questions.  I asked directly if they provided consumer reports.  She kept saying she didn't know.  I don't know how they can deny it when it's clear on their website.

Message 32 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI insteald of Lexis Nexis

There is no legal loop hole. Whats being asked and how is what gives LCI a way out.

It does not matter if LCI is a CRA or not. If it is providing data to Transunion, it MUST be in compliance with the FCRA, adhere to the Credit Reporting Resource Guide and TransUnio0ns business practices and policies.

If Transunion is reporting data it obtained from a company who isnt FCRA compliant then TransUnion wouldnt be FCRA compliant.

Im assuming the reason you want to contact LCI is because there is a bk on transuion that was not filed by you. Send LCI the dispute directly, for the bk. Neither court or pacer report to or verify accuracy of info to 3rd party companies and the existence of the info is not evidence and cant be used to verify who it belongs to. The bureaus never contacted LexisNexis anyway or send out supporting docs. Exp and Eq still use LexNex.. dispute the bk with them few weeks later, call LexNex and ask if they received and disputes or verification request from any bureau, 99.9999% they are going to say "nope"

Not only do they not contact the vendor, they ignore the dispute the vendor sends directly to them that notified the bureaus that the info has been deleted. They just check PACER or call the bk phone number. Eq consumer affairs did this with me on the line with her.

Equifax processed a bk removal dispute from lexisnexis as a inquiry dispute and sent results saying "lexisnexis inquiry is currently not on credit file" and tried to convince me i filed that online ..even tho on their end it said reseller dispute, had all lexnex and bk info.
Message 33 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

So if I put a security freeze on my transunion report, it will stop automated verifications for all disputes I file with trans? Or you mean .. freezing LCI (if it was possible) would stop automated verifications when transunion sends your dispute to them?
Message 34 of 50
Valued Contributor

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

What i was referencing was stopping automated verification (make they work to verify the records rather than running it thru a quick - yes it exists in that database....)

However that only seems to work with Lexis Nexis... this is different.

Message 35 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

Oh ok. I'm not sure that even worked for LexisNexis because from what Ive experienced and been told by LN and the bureaus is, during disputes, bureaus don't contact the vendor.

This is directly from

"TransUnion may make changes to your credit
report based solely on the documents and
information you provide with your dispute.
Otherwise, we will investigate your dispute by
reviewing an electronic version of the public
record made available by the public record source
or by contacting the public record source itself.
We then update our records based on our direct
review of the electronic record-and provide you
with the results of the investigation. "

I received responses back from Trans saying the record is on PACER. I ve also recieved a letter from INNOVIS when I disputed an account that had "include in bankruptcy" comment on it saying "there is a bankruptcy on PACER so we wont be blocking the account and instead we will be starting an investigation".

Equifax consumer affairs called the bankruptcy number while I was on the line with them to try and verify a bk. Told her thats fine, you can call but I don't see what thats going to solve she said when i put your social in, itll give me all the bk info. I said you already have all the info and so do i, we know there is a bk filed, thats how it got onto my report, it didnt appear out of thin air..." then I told her exactly what she was doing, explained how what she is doing doesn't solve the issue and how it violates the FCRA.. she said ill be right back, put me on hold for about 15 minutes, came back and said bk will be removed in 24 hours.

Same thing happen with TransUnion, after they denied my block request 2 times, claimed its verified as accurate.. i called and had nearly the exact same convo and the bk was gone the next day.

LCI seems a lot worse than LexNex for sure but you just need to get to the right department in TransUnion and make sure your documents meet their "criteria" and youll be fine.
Message 36 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

@Anonymous wrote:
Oh ok. I'm not sure that even worked for LexisNexis because from what Ive experienced and been told by LN and the bureaus is, during disputes, bureaus don't contact the vendor.

This is directly from

"TransUnion may make changes to your credit
report based solely on the documents and
information you provide with your dispute.
Otherwise, we will investigate your dispute by
reviewing an electronic version of the public
record made available by the public record source
or by contacting the public record source itself.
We then update our records based on our direct
review of the electronic record-and provide you
with the results of the investigation. "

I received responses back from Trans saying the record is on PACER. I ve also recieved a letter from INNOVIS when I disputed an account that had "include in bankruptcy" comment on it saying "there is a bankruptcy on PACER so we wont be blocking the account and instead we will be starting an investigation".

Equifax consumer affairs called the bankruptcy number while I was on the line with them to try and verify a bk. Told her thats fine, you can call but I don't see what thats going to solve she said when i put your social in, itll give me all the bk info. I said you already have all the info and so do i, we know there is a bk filed, thats how it got onto my report, it didnt appear out of thin air..." then I told her exactly what she was doing, explained how what she is doing doesn't solve the issue and how it violates the FCRA.. she said ill be right back, put me on hold for about 15 minutes, came back and said bk will be removed in 24 hours.

Same thing happen with TransUnion, after they denied my block request 2 times, claimed its verified as accurate.. i called and had nearly the exact same convo and the bk was gone the next day.

LCI seems a lot worse than LexNex for sure but you just need to get to the right department in TransUnion and make sure your documents meet their "criteria" and youll be fine.

"she is doing doesn't solve the issue and how it violates the FCRA"


can you elaborate on this part?

Message 37 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

Thats the secret sauce haha but I'll give you an example.

Lets say you are disputing an account opened with BofA, not information on/in the account but the account itself.. TransUnion verifying the spelling of your name, ss, etc in their system matches what BofA has doesn't mean anything, of course it matches, they get the info from BofA every month. Then imagine in that same dispute, their verification is the fact that they saw the account in BofAs records.. and this is all ignoring the courts definition of verify / verification and who can do it and whats admissable.. sure, they arent in court but they can be and Id like to see those verifications make it in
Message 38 of 50
New Contributor

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

Interesting! I'm getting the same response from LCI but my BK is from 2014 so I'm not sure if I should poke the bear or just keep disputing with TU.
I do not have a freeze with Lexisnexis because the BK is not on their report. Should I freeze it again?
I asked TU for the investigate material several times with no success.
I'm wondering, should I go the CFPB route and file a complaint against TU, and also file another against LCI just because they are not following the law?

Goal cards:
Message 39 of 50
Not applicable

Re: Transunion now using LCI instead of Lexis Nexis

What is the reason you are using for the dispute? and what documents have you sent in? You shouldn't dispute more than 1 time per month with the same reason unless you are adding new relevant information. Your file can get flagged as "credit repair" and it doesn't necessarily mean you are using a credit repair company but that the only reason you are disputing it is to raise your credit. You should always push for them to remove the item on the spot. They still call it a dispute but its a "maintainence dispute" not a "investigative dispute." 

Message 40 of 50
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