Almost all my accounts were reporting wrong after my BK, most were shown as collections/charge-offs, they were all showing amounts past due, it was a mess. I found out from reading thru all sorts of credit boards that even if an account was in collections or was charged off, as long as you IIB, once the BK is discharged, they still have to report it as IIB with all 0$ amounts.
I printed out all my reports and highlighted all the errors and wrote in how they shouldl be reporting, plus wrote out letters for each one and sent them off. I didnt even dispute that they were ever in collections/charged off....I just said even tho they had been charged off, the accounts need to be updated to show IIB. So I sent off all my documents (certified mail as I learned from the boards), and after several weeks, everything got fixed to report correctly. So I actually had no problems with my disputes, everything got fixed, and my FICOS jumped alot after that! I know I have seen letter templates posted on here that you can use, maybe doing a search you can find them.