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How hard is it to get this card?
A lot of reviewers said Synchrony bank mishandles members accounts such as not posting payments of members causing them to be late on payments then charging them late fees.
Is it better to get store card or the Amazon Visa card issued by Chase? Since Chase issues these cards aare they as chincy with these as their own Chase cards?
I don't know what their deal is. Payments get applied right away, but I don't get access for like a week. I don't have that problem with my PayPal. That one gives me credit before the payment clears, usually in a day.
I should note, my mother just had an issue where she made a payment on time, but it didn't post to her account before the statement cut. She wasn't marked late in the system. Nor did she have to pay any fees. I have no idea what balance reported to the bureaus.
I have not had any issues with Synchrony.
The can be very generous (see signature)
You should have no problem getting approved for the store card with your current scores. This was one of the first cards I applied for last year when I was rebuilding and my scores were in the mid 600's. I've personally never had any issues with payments, but then again, I pay in full as soon as the balance posts to my account. Whatever you choose, best of luck!
My Wife had had the store card since August. Started at $600, now $2,500 CL. Payments seem to post the next day. All seems as good as any lender in terms of payments etc. She also has $50 or so in CB so far which will increase now that she has a larger limit.
I was also approved last week for a $1k SL with a TU 648 and 7 CO's and 2 CA's and having burned Sync in 2014.
No issues for us!
I only have a 2 year history, would that matter? Chase turned me down becuase of that this past summer.