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Hello guys,
I am pretty new here.
So I am planning on getting an Amex GOLD and possibly a Hilton Card soon like in the next 6 months. When I am logged on to my Amex account, and click apply for certain it says pre-approved does this mean I have an almost 100% chance to have be approved for real? I am planning on applying for the Gold and Hilton card in one go, I know it is ok to apply for 1 charge and 1 credit for amex. And I heard sometimes or often applications once you are already a member with Amex its usually a SP and not HP. Will applying for 2 cards in a day would you still get SP or a HP?
Nothing is guaranteed in credit. Pre-approval is as good as it gets, though.
You can apply for as many charge cards as you want in one shot. Revolvers are 2 in a 90 day period. There's supposed to be a delay between revolver apps, something like 8-9 days, but many people have been able to do multiple revolvers in that period or even the same day. Depends on your profile.
In my experience, if I'm logged in, and I click on Apply to any of their cards, I get either a "___, you are pre-approved!" or something like "would you like to expand your membership?" I read here that if you get the first message, it's likely a SP approval and the second message will likely lead to an approval but with a HP. I only have two Amex cards. I applied for the Platinum card about two months after my Cash Magnet. I obtained the second card with a SP with a pre-approved message.