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I haven't had a hard pull since last January 2018 when I purchased my current vehicle. For the past two years I have gone on the Discover prequal site to determine if I would get any offers for an unsecured card. Literally for the past two years the only offers was for a secured card, so I bypass it without applying. For the last month or so I am not getting any offers with the reason being "bankruptcy". I have a bankruptcy from April 2014, 5 years out this comping April. Why is there a change to once being offered only secured cards to now not having any offers at all?
Its hard to say without all the info. There are many variables...FICO score, utilization, payment history. Any of these can disqualify you. My personal experience....I was getting the secure card pre approval for months. Soon as my Experian FICO hit 660 the Cash Back and Chrome pre-approvals appeared. However this can be different for everyone. All you can do take steps to make your credit look the best it can. You never know what exact variable will trigger a pre-approval.
Do you have any other credit besides your vehicle, (I see what's listed, not sure how current)...? Are you open to sharing FICOs as it stands today? Have you reviewed your credit report to see what you can remove that falls within CR standards for deletion, would be helpful to know a little more...esp. what else is on your report. Folks have had success after BR, but it depends on other variables as stated before.
I cold apped for the Discover card 2 yrs out of bk7 and was approved. Didn't have any prequals but still approved so there's still hope.
Yes, I have other credit. According to CCT I have "Excellent" credit mix. My scores are sloooowwwly moving up: EX 615, EQ 603, TU 623. Student loans are in derferrment since Im working on my doctorate. My first car out of bankruptcy had a last 30 day late in 2015 and my new one no late payments. I really was just wondering what could be the scenario that would cause me to always get the prequal for the secured up until recently, December/January no offers do to the bankruptcy from 2014. Just wondering. Especially since I am wanting to apply for a mortgage fairly soon.