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So I got one of those mailed inventation flyers, I decided "why not try another card cant hurt to much." Well I ended up apping and got the 2-3 day review message. Today my EX got pulled (EX = 666) and got an email stating that I was approved. Which it doesnt mention the SL or the APR after the 13 month 0% period. decided to call in and and found out that the SL is $2700 with 19% APR after the 13 months
Congratulations nicely done, moving on up
Enjoy the new card. Congrats.
Well done !!!
Enjoy your new card.
I just got something in the mail from them for the first time. I have not opened it yet. I am in the Garden and goodness knows I don't need another card, but if it is a pre-approval that might be a temptation ... lol.
Congrats ! ! !
Congrats on your BBVA approval!
@Anonymous wrote:So I got one of those mailed inventation flyers, I decided "why not try another card cant hurt to much." Well I ended up apping and got the 2-3 day review message. Today my EX got pulled (EX = 666) and got an email stating that I was approved. Which it doesnt mention the SL or the APR after the 13 month 0% period. decided to call in and and found out that the SL is $2700 with 19% APR after the 13 months
Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉 I got that invitation today too.