I told myself I wasn't going to apply for another card but Barclay sent me an invite and after an instant approval they gave me exactly 10% of what I said my income was. $12,500 SL. This is now my highest limit card. Comes with 50,000 miles and 16% interest so it's also my lowest interest card. However, it doesn't look like there's a 0% interest honeymoon on purchases, just balance transfers.
Wondering if I should close my oldest capital one cards as they're only carrying $50-100 on them and have horrible 25-26% interest rates so I don't really use them and I've got like 9-10 credit cards at this point.
Capital One QS 90/6500 -opened 3/15
Capital One 26/3750 -opened sometime in 2015
Capital One 0/4000 -opened maybe 10 years ago?
Suncoast Credit Union 27/6000 -opened 1/16
Harley Davidson US Bank 128/10,000 -opened 8/16
Amex EDC 700/8400 -opened 4/16
Amex PRG NPSL -opened 10/16
Chase Slate 3700/6200 -opened 1/17
Citi DF 1200/6900 -opened 2/17
Barclay AP WE 0/12,500 -opened 2/17