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Congrats...this one is on my list. Have to wait for it.
Congrats! this is on my wishlist as well for 2018!
congrats !!! what are your scores and util at time off app ?
Congrats, I love my Ritz, did you use the link for the Infinite version?
I'm on the fence about this card. The benefits look great but I'm not sure if in the long run this card is for me.
For those of you that have this card.... what do you like/love about it. Which perks are moat beneficial to you?
Yes I Apped for the 450 version. My scores are mid 740's on Equifax and mid 750's on Experian. They pulled both credit reports. My util is about 3-4%
Oh I apped on Sunday and got the 30 day message but was approved Monday. Quick 30 days lol