So long story short, had a charge off with AMEX in 2015, Dofd was Jun 2012. Partially paid in Nov 2017. Became an authorized user on DH's PRG. Wanted to get back in with AMEX and also to see if I was blacklisted so app'd for my own PRG in Dec...boom! Instant approval. Also app'd for BCP, my goal card, but got denied. Fast forward to yesterday...every card showed pre-approved on my account. Decided to take a leap of faith and app for BCP again. I figured since my charge off won't fall off my CR for another year, if I get approved it'll probably be $500 or $1k. Imagine how shocked I was when it said approved for $10k. No hp so far, looks like I'll be a sp approval. I have been using my PRG for all my expenses and paying a couple times per month.
Data points:
Fico score EX 706, EQ 718, TU 722.
Yearly salary: $95k
Utl: 5%