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FINALLLY! Got a CLI on my new card (hitting 6 months this month). Had a weird hunch to try again after failing after the statement cut a 2ish weeks ago and it gave me $3000! A 66% increase! Then called in and got another $500! Took it from $4500 to $8000. Not too shabby!
I used it a lot the first month or two I had it. Then during the last quarter, just maxed out the PP bonus and little here and there. Actually ended up having them call me and inquire about possible fraud in September. Turns out someone duplicated my card and tested the waters with a transaction at a grocery store semi-locally. They ended up shutting down that # and issuing a new one, along with refunding the transaction that they allowed through. Then I started using it again this month to the point that I had under $1000 in available credit. Think this month is what triggered the hefty CLI finally. That or I was inline for one then that fraud stuffs happened and they're just now comfortable to issue it again. Either way, bout time!
Well a $3,500 CLI with Disco is something
to be proud of! Glad you got the DD in there :-)
Enjoy your success,Cheers
Congrats @Anonymous !
@UH_HUH wrote:Well a $3,500 CLI with Disco is something
to be proud of! Glad you got the DD in there :-)
Enjoy your success,Cheers
@AllZero wrote:
Congratulations on your CLI!
@M_Smart007 wrote:
Congrats @Anonymous !
Thank you!
Congrats on your Disco DD!