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Hi all, quick data point. Not the greatest CLI ever, but I'll take it:
13 months ago, when my TU FICO8 was at about 630, I applied for a Discover IT Cashback and was approved for $6000. I hit the CLI button today (TU Fico8 at 737, AZEO w/ total util at 1%) and received $300, bringing it to $6300. I called for double dip and was bumped another $600, for a total CL of $6900.
Congratulations on your ..
@jasonbourne84 Congrats any increase is a good one
@Girlzilla88 wrote:@jasonbourne84 Congrats any increase is a good one
Yup. Can't complain. I'm still grateful they trusted me to begin with.
When I dip, you dip, we dip...
Congrats on your DD!! 👍🏻
Congratulations on your CLI!!
Great work on the double dip, Congratulations!
Congratulations on your Discover CLIs!