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@Anonymous wrote:I am so stoked right now. In January I had mid-400 scores across the board. I started rebuilding after identity theft, so the last 7 months have been rough. I have 4 small cards all obtained through recon, 1.5k Discover, 1k Local CU, 300 CapOne QS1, 300 CreditOne. I applied via Navy Federal today and got my first ever instant approval - for 4.6k!!!!!! They only pulled TU, which is at 710 right now. AAoA is 11 months. A TON of inquiries because I just got a mortgage and was app happy until June.
Not only that, but 25$ randomly appeared in my savings account - rewards for joining! I am in love!
Congrats on your rebuilding efforts, they are truly paying off. If you don't mind me asking, how many inquiries do you have? I'm in the membership process right now, and if I get accepted I'm concerned about my current inquiries causing a denial for their products.
@Anonymous wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:I am so stoked right now. In January I had mid-400 scores across the board. I started rebuilding after identity theft, so the last 7 months have been rough. I have 4 small cards all obtained through recon, 1.5k Discover, 1k Local CU, 300 CapOne QS1, 300 CreditOne. I applied via Navy Federal today and got my first ever instant approval - for 4.6k!!!!!! They only pulled TU, which is at 710 right now. AAoA is 11 months. A TON of inquiries because I just got a mortgage and was app happy until June.
Not only that, but 25$ randomly appeared in my savings account - rewards for joining! I am in love!
Congrats on your rebuilding efforts, they are truly paying off. If you don't mind me asking, how many inquiries do you have? I'm in the membership process right now, and if I get accepted I'm concerned about my current inquiries causing a denial for their products.
1) Congrats and Welcome to both
2) Navy is inquiry won't be denied over that
Good luck
OP Please rid yourself of that Credit One ASAP you don't need it and it's best to drop that zero RIGHT NOW....before any of there nonsense causes undo harm to your profile.....get rid of them, today!
Cap-1 is fine, it will'll get your steps increase after statement 7 (you can try to CLI, best between month 3-6...attempt to get a 'free' shot at it before the auto steps increase at statement ....b/c afterwards it's 6 months, sometimes you can sneak one in prior to the steps but once the steps hits it's gona come back with too soon message just an FYI....again Cap-1 = COOL
Credit One = drop like a bad habit
Congrats on your approvals!
Thank you everyone! Super exciting! I am terrible at quoting so bear with me.
CLOC - Will apply after my mortgage with NFCU closes in 3 weeks. I did, however immediately request a CLI for the cashRewards card. That received a 'within 1 business day' message. It did NOT generate another HP. I said screw it and applied for a 2nd card, also received the 1 business day message. Again, not a hard pull. What's the worst that could happen, I get a no? I let me lender know already... he didn't seem to care as long as I don't run it up.
Inquiries - Oh boy - I have a TON. I am mortgage shopping, bought 2 cars in February and was app happy in June. I have 41 HPs on a single bureau in the last 12 months. NFCU does NOT care about inquiries. That's PenFed.
CreditOne - Yea, I plan on dropping them. My AAoA is crap anyways... And that 300 limit is not helping me.
I have 0 baddies, 0 lates, nothing but inquiries and new credit. What is saving me is my rehabbed student loan showing as perfect payment history since 2009. Hope that helps someone out there.
Sooooo... I slipped and applied for NavChek - 15k instant approval! Holy. Moly. I might puke with happiness! I just got 19.6k in credit in ONE DAY.
Congrats are in order! A little envious about NFCU, happy for you. Great job!