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Applied and went to review. Uti is 3% with highest reporting 8% on single accout. Dti 12%. Bk on Experian scheduled to come off in July. Fico 8 as of today 746. Sitting at 2 X annual income in credit lines. Amex for some reason has never reported to EX. I did have to use plaid for income. Not sure why they didn't figure that out with payments going to amex. That puts me way over 2x annual income in cl with amex if it were reporting. Anyways 30 min later got an email approved 25,000.00 cl. Any questions ask. I didn't think I'd get it honestly with the cl I have based on their record. Back to garden. Btw..last opened cc was 6 months old. And inq were 2 in 12 and 3 in 24.
Super congrats! That card is on my wish list...tried a couple times, but no dice. Do you have much of a relationship with them via other products or did you cold app?
Saving for about a year and virtually unused checking for about a year. Ran about 1k through the accounts and 50.00 bal in savings. No pre-approval. This took me over the 220k mark. Dont give up hope!
@Spotsy wrote:
Super congrats! That card is on my wish list...tried a couple times, but no dice. Do you have much of a relationship with them via other products or did you cold app?
congrats on the approval
Congratulations on your First Tech Odyssey approval!
Congrats on the approval! They're on my radar for 2024.
Outstanding SL, congratulations on your approval!
Congrats on your First Tech FCU Odyssey Rewards approval
Congrats on that outstanding approval. Enjoy the garden.
Congrats on the approval.