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welcome to NAVY!!🙂👍🤑
Congrats on your approval and getting into Navy. Once they get to know you, they really treat you well. Nourish that relationship and you'll reap the benefits.
Congratulations! I have been on the fence about just trying to use my Grandfather's service without having ready access to his DD214. Just trying to avoid any new bank account HPs right now. Awesome to hear that it was so easy to get in with them!
Congratulations on your NFCU Cash Rewards approval!
@Anonymous wrote:Congrats buddy - that should be the start of a lucrative relationship for sure. I'll be following you there after the start of the new year
Thank you @Anonymous
Appreciate the kind words :-)
Look forward to reading about your Navy success :-)
@M_Smart007 wrote:@UH_HUH, Congratulations on your Approval.. and Welcome to the Navy Family
Thank you so much @M_Smart007 !!
I appreciate the welcome...
Hope you are having a great weekend
my friend,
@CreditMagic7 wrote:The waters where was found your white whale is said to be the most inhabitable of the 7 seas.
Congratulations on your NFCU new CC approval!
Thanks @CreditMagic7
allways appreciate the posts :-)
Hope you are well,
@CreditCuriosity wrote:Congrats and you will be at 80k with navy in no time with your profile
.. NFCU has been incredible to me and many others. Enjoy
Thanks @CreditCuriosity ,
The funny part is I was more excited
when I was told I was approved for membership,
then the actual CC approval.
And that NEVER happens :-)
Thanks for the well wishes Sir,
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:welcome to NAVY!!🙂👍🤑
I appreciate the Welcome Buddy :-)
Been along time in port,
wanna go to sea soon @AverageJoesCredit