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Here's another over 5/24 Amazon visa approval! DH has LOL/24, Probably 25+ inquiries due to mortgages and cars etc plus his exp score is sub par (640 ish) and he was still approved for 5,100 SL. Thought the DP was worth a share!
Oh wow!!! Congratulations to your DH! I see Chase is letting alot of people in over 5/24!
Congrats on the successful Chase Amazon approval!
Congrats on DH's LOL/24 Chase Amazon approval
Congrats on the approval!
Grats on your hubbies amazon approval
Congrats on DH's approval!
But is he really over 5/24? 5 refers to new revolving accounts in 24 months, not inquiries. Mortgages and car loans don't count toward this.
Nice! Congrats to DH!
@CreditMarathoner yes he's over 5/24. He's opened 7 or 8 credit cards that I can think of off the top of my head in the last 24m. Could be more, it's hard keeping track of both our cc sins!