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Thanks to all the wonderful information from the community and a motivational post that I saw earlier from Jmbamman, I applied for the Lowe's Advantage card and was approved with SL $1000. So per that post, I called the Credit Solutions back door number at 877-379-8173. I requested a CLI for 25k and got approved!!! Yes, you read that correctly, 1k turned into 25k
My FICO 8 was TU-765 at the time.
With that luck you should play the lottery this weekend!
You got a point there... I think I may go out and buy a few tickets just for the heck of it...
I saw your post and decided to try my luck, guess what 25000
Congratulations to you as well!!! Synchrony is on a roll lately...
thats awsome !
Wow! Congrats on the approval and squeezing out 24k more!
Congrats on the approval and awesome immediate CLI!! Niiiiiicccee!