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I have applied twice in the past, but was denied. About 6 months ago they approved me for a personal loan of $25,000 so a couple of days ago I reapplied for a credit card and was approved for $42,000!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather.
We have a combined household income of $240k and my FICO score is 729.
It is my highest card. NavyFed is my second highest at $25k. I am at 2% of credit usage with an AAOA of 5 years and oldest account 15 years ago. One baddie of a late pay to my student loans 4 years ago. A lot of inquiries and new accounts over the last two years (sorry about the bold--my tablet is not letting me take it off).
GOOD LAAAAAWWWWWWWDDDDD! Congratulations! Crushed it!
Did you apply jointly? I know Penfed only let's you use individual income for apps ( which ticks me off lol)
Congrats that is an awesome SL
Thanks! I couldn't believe it! The interest is high, but as I hope to never carry a balance that shouldn't matter so much
That's a nice Christmas present. I've been a member for 20 months now and have never applied for any credit. I'd be happy with a $1k Promise card. You're light years ahead of me.
No, I applied individually and put my portion of our income (we are team truck drivers). It then asked for any other source of income and I put in his half and stated it was my spouse's income.
Just a few years ago my credit was really bad. The myfico forum helped me clean my credit up drastically.
@Anonymous wrote:No, I applied individually and put my portion of our income (we are team truck drivers). It then asked for any other source of income and I put in his half and stated it was my spouse's income.
I am glad that worked for you
Anytime I have tried to put my dh's income, it states it RED that this income can not be from spouse??
I wonder if their rules have changed? Because the last two times I applied the exact thing happened to me--told me I can't include my spouses income. I think before there was a drop down menu to select spouse income. Now there is just a box asking for another source of income and a box next it to explain source of income. I typed in spouse's income in that box. That is why I think their rules might have changed.