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Hi My Fico Family-
My wife was recently approved for the AMEX Delta Gold for 15k. She has a short credit file of 1 year and a couple of months.
Makes 52K a year. Should she apply for 3 x's CLI when she calls in to activate the card or should she wait? Also, what amount can she apply to increase this to without having to submit the document right off?
@pizza1 wrote:
Personally....Id wait. $15k SL is high for that card that Ive seen recently.
And even later, asking for the 3x, thats $45k....Be prepared for a possible FR from them. Not saying it will happen, but it could happen.
Much congrats to her on a nice SL approval!
I was thinking the same thing. I told her its not normal that they give that right out the door.
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
Grats!! Id wait as well. With a thin file id dont know if that would push it but what a great accomplishment to get 15k out of the gate. Well done
this is what I am strongly considering. I was hoping they could give her 20k or 25k and not the full 3x's.
If it was like a $2k starting limit I would do the CLI at Activation which is what I did for my BCP.
But, like others said, the 3x CLI would bring her to $45K which would yield FR.
Maybe ask for lik $30k at like six months and be happy with that. That's a lot of credit starting out.
Congrats! I would wait as well.
Wait until the account is 61 days old then request a SP CLI online for 25K there is also a large thread dedicated to this situation.
@Derrick1977 wrote:
@AverageJoesCredit wrote:
Grats!! Id wait as well. With a thin file id dont know if that would push it but what a great accomplishment to get 15k out of the gate. Well done
this is what I am strongly considering. I was hoping they could give her 20k or 25k and not the full 3x's.