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Longtime follower first time poster....
I applied for this card about 2 months back and was denied "wait 10 days...." I didn't bother to recon then. I only had my Discover IT Chrome 7 months and an Amazon store card. Synchrony doesn't like to report to the bureaus on time, so I was sitting on an already paid off large purchase that had my card at 39% utilization.
Fast forward 2 months. That Amazon utilization is down to almost nothing. Discover is used responsibly....instantly denied. I came here for the recon number. The rep was very kind and the phone call was maybe 5 minutes.
- verified demographics
- asked why my profile was so thin(no loans, paid for everything cash/debit)
I explained honestly, and probably in more detail than necessary, why my profile was thin and I wanted this card. She "verified with another department" and 30 seconds later I was given a $750 limit!
Thats decent for a card i'll use for takeout and the local gas station.
Congrats on your approval!
Congrats on approval
Barclays recon dept seems extra friendly and willing to work with thin profiles (like mine) on this Uber Visa which is awesome so more people can get that 4% on dining/drinking. Hopin they will stay that way even after the product has gathered a solid user base. I think you'll like it, no problems with mine so far and the gf even has her AU card (my account) over in Iceland atm for the no FTF, no problems yet after using travel notification on app.
With Uber recon...did you use new apps number or credit analyst number?
Congrats on the Uber!
Uber man, frickn' uber.
(not fond of corporations hijacking culture for their own private use, but whatevs. likely would have a difficult time defending trademark and/or copyright in court.)