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I think it's a question about attitude. I'm sure they would have found another reason.
I have read enough posts here on the forum to make sure that they stop charging and cancel accounts for any far-fetched reason. Stupid, unpredictable, unreliable and greedy lender.
won't know till he calls and speaks to financial. keep us posted.
Well we'll see what happens and what they want.
@ojefferyo wrote:Now if AMEX wants his tax return how are they going to pull that if it's his first year working?
Hopefully they will allow him explain the situation on the phone and let him send in paystubs to verify his income. If they say no, and that they only take the IRS form, I would fax back the IRS form but I would also include a recent W2 in the fax along with a letter explaining why the tax returns won't show much income but that his job and income ares easily verifiable. Can't hurt.
@elim wrote:won't know till he calls and speaks to financial. keep us posted.
@Anonymous wrote:I think it's a question about attitude. I'm sure they would have found another reason.
I have read enough posts here on the forum to make sure that they stop charging and cancel accounts for any far-fetched reason. Stupid, unpredictable, unreliable and greedy lender.
Seeing as how they didn't shut down your account for any far-fetched reasons (instead shut it down for a clear violation of their Terms and Conditions) your opinion and bias should be taken as just that: opinion and bias, not fact.
@Anonymous wrote:
Probably want income and/or ID verification. Very common for a first card from any lender. Going for a second card was a bad mistake for someone with onlyAU history, but it will probably be fine.
I truly hope this turns out OK (and I think it probably will) but I agree, if the only history was from AU cards, going for two at once was a bit aggressive and is most likely what caused the problem.
We'll never know for sure, but I suspect had he only gone for the PRG he would have been fine, and probably would have been approved a few months later for the ED with a 'real' credit line. To me, that's the real indicator (the $500 ED approval). The 'two-for-one' HP trick works well for those of us with thicker/older credit files, but for credit newbies I'm not sure I would recommend it.
@Anonymous wrote:Amex cancelled my green card few days ago. First cancelled account for 2 years. I have their card only 4 days and they cancelled it.
It's worst bank for me now. I think your friend will hate soon day when he decided apply for amex.
I'm not one to typically stick up for banks but all you are doing here is spreading misinformation due to your sour grapes that was your own fault.