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Ask in chat and then can tell you immediately re/ the date you would be eligible. I'm going to say it is most likely the date of your original account opening, prior to the PC, but Amex chat can quickly and easily confirm this for you.
@Anonymous wrote:
Brah I've clarified this several times. You can upgrade and downgrade at will as long as you don't abuse it (upgrade, get benefits, downgrade, repeat). That one-year rule is only for the first year from the account's opening date due to the CARD Act since card companies are prohibited from raising the annual fee for that first year.
Hope this helps.. again.
Okay so after the one year rule then you can upgrade downgrade at all. That sums it up. My question this time is different from last time. My account isn't one year old yet but I started with the $450 AF plat but downgraded 2 months later. I want to go back to the platinum, I thought I could (before the one year rule) since I began with the $450 AF but since my account isn't one year old yet by rule I guess they still can't raise the AF back up to the platinum till after my account hits one year. Thank you pooka89.