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@Lauraist wrote:
@CreditMagic7 wrote:
@wasCB14 wrote:Did anyone else think for a moment that Best Buy and New Egg had merged?
In all honesty, they both use the silliest name i ever seen in my life. What's next? Best bacon?
Who in their right mind could possibly take them seriously with low IQ market naming convention that dumb.
I agree the name is silly, but the card seems to be OK. What's with these weird CC names anyway? Ollo is another card with a silly name but it's been a good card to me....
Ollo does seem to be of benefit to some and sports a somewhat odd name. At least it's not the Best Sausage Card or Hash Brown gimmick.
Actually still have Ollo trying to draw an app out of me but my profile took off like a rocket and if i wanted to babysit a card for years, Capital One is the perfect poster card for that.
Ollo is by far my slowest increasing card. only one 100 dollar cli in over a year. i only keep it because people report at 2 years they get a super nice cli, 1500 plus. i used my ollo a lot when i first got it but now i just charge a monthly subscription from something for 10 bucks a month and pif the next day.
i get a best egg cc mailer every few weeks. 19.99 int and no af or rewards, to the refuse it goes
Hang in there with Ollo. I got my Ollo in Jan 2019. After two years they increased me to $1,500 and since then they have increased me to $3,750 and now it is up to $6,000.
@corp2you wrote:Hang in there with Ollo. I got my Ollo in Jan 2019. After two years they increased me to $1,500 and since then they have increased me to $3,750 and now it is up to $6,000.
Too late, last week i closed my 600 cl no rewards ollo.
Surprizingly im already getting preapproved offers for the rewards ollo
Closed my Ollo Rewards card about two weeks ago.
And I wish Best Egg would stop endlessly sending me their pre-approvals and clogging up my mailbox.
@Jeffster1 wrote:Closed my Ollo Rewards card about two weeks ago.
And I wish Best Egg would stop endlessly sending me their pre-approvals and clogging up my mailbox.
Today i got 2 mailers from best egg, 1 via regular mail and 1 via email.
@Jeffster1 wrote:Closed my Ollo Rewards card about two weeks ago.
And I wish Best Egg would stop endlessly sending me their pre-approvals and clogging up my mailbox.
Today i got 2 mailers from best egg, 1 via regular mail and 1 via email.
@SUPERSQUID They are relentless. Just got another today. I get at least 3 a week.
Best Egg Visa...still a BIG no from me no matter how many times they fill my mailbox. Besides, I don't think I could stand seeing that name on my credit report for fhe next ten years.
@Jccflat wrote:Anyone heard of best egg visa card I got an exclusive invite preselected email
Is this a good cards are they generous with a credit limit?
Heard of Yes... I believe the lending tree app is currently advertising that card. Other than what is listed in the app I know nothing
Soft pull application Hard pull on acceptence.
The deal I got yesterday was, as usual, emblazoned on the envelope...0% APR for 10 months. Still a no from me. I PIF anyway. I get that they are trying to break into the market but they are wasting their money sending me endless offers. They began soon after my DC in early 2021. I guess it has the potential for being a decent card but my answer remains the same.