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After 1yr and 6 months Capital 1 went from Secured to Unsecured!! Alrighty Now!!
Too bad it wasn't my card though. I have been helping my cousin and overseeing his accounts after he saw how I was really increasing my credit scores. Started with getting him a Cap1 secured card and then 5 other accounts and a SSL.
After a year and a half increased his Ficos from high 400s to 650s. Mines hover around the mid 750s now after starting with an average 500s.
Cap1secured was my first card exactly 4 yrs 1 month ago. Still SECURED at 701 cl (started with 401 deposit and had a 300 dollar increase after 6 months). I have used this card in every which way but loose, called numerous times about it being unsecured but still over 4 years later it still sits there stagnant.
I have accepted the fact it's in some Twi-light zone of being Secured. I no longer wait for the email that says, "Congrats your card has Unsecured".
But once again Congrats to my cousin going from Secured to Unsecured in a year and a half.
I am also helping my young daughter and nephew better their credit and they have Cap1 Secured cards also.
I guess I'll be probably posting about how their cards went Unsecured at some future date while mines still sits there stagnant.
Such is life
@Iusedtolurk, reading stories like yours is what caused me to close my CapOne secured credit after less than 7-weeks. Assuming you have other cards now, close that turkey and don't look back.
Chapter 13:
I categorically refuse to do AZEO!
You need to read your card agreement. Cap1 flipflops on whether the card will unsecure. If you got yours during a time it wasn't offered, it will never unsecure. Doesn't matter if they're unsecuring cards now, you're bound to whatever terms you agreed to. They will not sway.
Congratulations on your cousin's Capital One secured card graduation! Did he also receive a CLI when the card unsecured?
That's terrific!! Congratulations on your Cap1 Approval!! 🎉🥂👏
@CreditAggie wrote:Congratulations on your cousin's Capital One secured card graduation! Did he also receive a CLI when the card unsecured?
@CreditAggie He actually did not. Same CL as his deposit was. (400 dollars)
I got him a secured Disco (200 dollars) and after 8 months he recieved his deposit back and a 1200 dollar increase.
@Iusedtolurk wrote:
@CreditAggie wrote:Congratulations on your cousin's Capital One secured card graduation! Did he also receive a CLI when the card unsecured?
@CreditAggie He actually did not. Same CL as his deposit was. (400 dollars)
I got him a secured Disco (200 dollars) and after 8 months he recieved his deposit back and a 1200 dollar increase.
Thank you for the data point! I have requested a mod move this to the Credit Cards board since no new credit was approved in this instance.