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I am trying to increase my credit scores to purchase a home (need about 30 points now) and have been paying my CC's down diligently to lower utilization.
As such, I know the credit card reporting dates like the back of my hand..
Until today- when I realized I have two cards (Victorias Secret Angel and Amazon) that on occasion report TWICE in one month. Why is this?
Does this impact negatively or positively?
Or is it just an annoyance because I hadn't realized?
Thank you!
Just a guess!, I don't really know.
Maybe a quarterly report of some sort, it is the end of March
You may be right! Thanks for the insight. I hadn't thought of that.
Chase updates after the statement is issued. And they update again when you pay your card to zero. Last month, they updated my report three times.
@HeavenOhio wrote:Chase updates after the statement is issued. And they update again when you pay your card to zero. Last month, they updated my report three times.
Some cards will do a mid-cycle update on request, or automatically if you pay the card to zero........
Noticed with a few cards if you zero it out more than once in a month, it will report....
If you make a sizable payment, and it goes through, sometimes you can ask the card issue for a mid cycle update/reporting...
@HeavenOhio wrote:Chase updates after the statement is issued. And they update again when you pay your card to zero. Last month, they updated my report three times.
Really? I recently payed 2 Chase cards to 0, and the statements closed a day or two after that payment. My CK's weekly refresh was yesterday and my balances haven't been updated yet. Is that CK's fault for not pulling new data from the CRAs, or the CRAs fault for not updating their own records, or Chase's fault for not reporting?
The VS is Comenity and the Amazon is Synch..
The VS is paid down to zero but the Synch is not... Maybe it's just a weird month.