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Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

Regular Contributor

Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

I'm excited to see that restaurants are in Discover's 5% bonus for Q1 2013!  I will be going to Disney World and plan on eating at many of their sit-down restaurants.  Does anyone here know if the food places at Disney end up being billed in the "restaurants" category?  (or do they bill as something else like "entertainment" or "theme parks"?)


I'm curious if I should charge everything to Discover in hopes of the 5% or use my 1% rewards card just in case.

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Re: Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

I know that the restaurants in Downtown Disney did report as a restaurant on my Discover.


I did not use it at any restaurants inside Epcot, or Magic Kingdom.


You can use the card and hope to get the 5%, if not then you still receive the 1%.  In other words, if you can't get a confirmed answer still use the Discover card.

Message 2 of 5
Regular Contributor

Re: Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

I cant confirm if Discover will process Magic Kingdom restaurants as a Restaurant, but American Express lists PINOCCHIO VILLAGE & PLAZA ICE CREAM PARLOR as Restaurants. I believe the category is reported by the business, so I would assume you will be ok. I was there in Oct 2012.
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Message 3 of 5
Established Contributor

Re: Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

not sure about Disney for Discover, but I think Chase Disney Debit cards would give you discounts


actually it's 10% for Chase Debit card holders =) also remember you get $150-200 to sign up with Chase checking if you have a coupon (ebay if you must) =)

total credit limits $108,400 Credit scores Ex 728 EQ 738 TU 758
Message 4 of 5
Frequent Contributor

Re: Discover 5% restaurants - do Disney World restaurants count?

I ate at several restaurants in Disney LAND in early November and they all showed up as as "RESTAURANT/EATING PLACES" category on both my Citi and Discover cards. 

AMEX BCE, Discover IT, Citi Forward, BoA Travel Rewards, Barclaycard Cash Forward
Message 5 of 5
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