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Are there any other cards that offer 5% cashback for gas? What I have for gas CC is the USAA Amex cashback but since its Amex, it won't work for Costco gas. I've seen Ducks Unlimited from FNBO. PenFed Platinum Rewards offer 5 points but its actually 4.25% according to reviews. Costco CC offer 4% on gas. Any other CCs? Just wondering....
USAA had 5% back on gas as an offer on a few cards but believe it has fallen off for my Rewards and CB USAA cards.
Discover has a rotating 5% on gas (1 quarter a year).
I have the PenFed CB that has 5%.
Not sure who else has 5% CB
I got denied for ducks unlimited with too many inquiries. My sams club mc gives 5% upto the first $6000 in gas at sams Walmart ( where I mostly fill up). It comes out to $500/mo in gas budget and I spend average $300-350 per month in gas.
After $6k it’s 1% only.
USAA has a Cashback Rewards card that gives 5% back on fuel spend of up to $3000 annually, but that's also combined with any other base/post purchases as well.
@Anonymous wrote:
About Costco gas: it's probably best to not cheap out on gas and make sure you go to top-tier stations.
Also I'm pretty sure they PenFed gas card gives you 5x in the form of PenFed points which are worth less than 1 cent per point for cash and I believe 1.25 cents per point for travel through their portal. Arguably, a straight 5% cash back card is a better deal (I'm not sure how good the prices are through Penfed's portal anyway).
If you're referring to gas that meets the TOP TIER™ standards, then Costco gas has that certification.
If not, what is your basis for saying Costco gas is bad?
@Anonymous wrote:
Ft Knox CU Visa is 5% on gas,
Ducks Unlimited CC (from FNBO) us 5% on gas and sporting goods and gives a small amount to wildlife conservation.
I applied for the NRA card last year (basically same as Ducks Unlimited but NRA cobranded, also with FNBO). I had 3 inquiries at the time, 2 from the same CU: one for becoming a member and one for opening a CC. Even though I called the other CU and discussed it with them and they agreed it should have been a single pull and had the second removed...FNBO still denied me for too many inquiries. They said they'd have to do another hard pull to verify the removal of the other one
So if you have more than 3 hard inquiries I suggest going for the Ft Knox Visa
Which CRA do FNBO pull?