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My husband has a regular Chase Visa for several years. Will they upgrade him to a better card? If so, will they extend current offers (0% BTs, etc)?
Are they easy to deal with?
@SusieQ wrote:My husband has a regular Chase Visa for several years. Will they upgrade him to a better card? If so, will they extend current offers (0% BTs, etc)?
Are they easy to deal with?
If it's not a co-branded card like an card you should be able to upgrade to "a better card" i.e. Sapphire.
However your husband won't get the promotional offers unless he applies for it.
I have to say he HATES Chase. He has this card since 2003.
He called in to get a product change and they said this legacy card is considered a Slate card by default, so he could only get another product type.
Since he really only wanted the Slate for BTs, he got frustrated and then asked for a CLI on the existing card (to keep his AAoA intact). They didn't deny or approve but said it had to have a manual review and decision rendered in a few days.
I told him to call back for a manual recon by phone..........his answer? HE HATES CHASE and will wait for their letter.
@SusieQ wrote:I have to say he HATES Chase. He has this card since 2003.
He called in to get a product change and they said this legacy card is considered a Slate card by default, so he could only get another product type.
Since he really only wanted the Slate for BTs, he got frustrated and then asked for a CLI on the existing card (to keep his AAoA intact). They didn't deny or approve but said it had to have a manual review and decision rendered in a few days.
I told him to call back for a manual recon by phone..........his answer? HE HATES CHASE and will wait for their letter.
I would have just called directly the recon number for the CLI request itself ... it's personal preference haha
Which Chase card would he want? If he wants the CSP, he should just apply for that one to get the signup bonus and then move the CL from his original Chase.
Why not just apply for the card he wants? Then he can do as other have said, transfer limit to the card he wants. Then either close his old card or let it sit with $500 CL. Also wont effect his AAOA if he does close it. Not for 10 years anyways wont loose uti if he transfer the llimit to new card, like freedom etc.