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Hi there, how do we find out this "backdoor" method for current CPC? I've tried several times with various CPC bankers...
@oztsvi wrote:
I asked around with different CPC bankers, it’s pretty strict and it seems like it is only available for J.P. Morgan private bank clients.
Yup, full circle back to post 2.
Deposit 250k, get CPC
Open YouVest?Youinvest w/e its called
Move Deposit into Investment Account
Being CPC you get free trades
Start Day Trading like crazy, make over 10M in transactions
Get invite
<mod edit: Sorry, not on here. --UB>
@UpperNwGuy wrote:Seems like status is suddenly becoming more important around here. A few months ago the metal card frenzy seemed to satisfy, but this quest for an exclusive card takes it to the next level.
Sadly, yes. Seems more and more people are starting to let what's in their wallet determine their self-worth, even if it means getting a card that's not in their best interests or a even card that's completely useless to them and costs them money. The joke will ultimately be on them once they realize that nobody else gives a rat's posterior what card(s) they have.
@sjt wrote:I would exchange my CSR for a JPMR. Hidden tradeline, reduced fees, United Red Carpet, etc.
United Red Carpet stopped being a thing like 7 years ago with the CO merger. To my knowledge, the JPMR now only offers the same PP membership the CSR does. If it came with a UC membership (what's replaced Red Carpet Clubs), that's one thing, but it doesn't even do that.
@Anonymous wrote:Deposit 250k, get CPC
Open YouVest?Youinvest w/e its called
Move Deposit into Investment Account
Being CPC you get free trades
Start Day Trading like crazy, make over 10M in transactions
Get invite
<mod edit: Sorry, not on here. --UB>
Of course, a day trader would find the process of placing an order with JPM far too slow and inefficient.
JPM Private Bank uses a whole separate infrastructure from You Invest. It's not just a set of some additional perks that become available when a You Invest account reaches a certain size.
@iced wrote:
The joke will ultimately be on them once they realize that nobody else gives a rat's posterior what card(s) they have.
What???? That can't be true surely!
@longtimelurker wrote:
@iced wrote:
The joke will ultimately be on them once they realize that nobody else gives a rat's posterior what card(s) they have.What???? That can't be true surely!
Which part? The rat's posterior or the card itself?