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Which cards do you still have only because you got a retention offer or three?
Do you consider yourself a bonus chaser/churner, or someone who gets cards with the intention of keeping and using them?
I mostly get cards with the intention of keeping them, but do a little bonus chasing.
I'll close Prestige once I get my 2018 airfare credit and offers dry up (assuming no major improvements).
CSP I expect to downgrade to FU. I likely don't use it enough to merit a statement credit.
Hyatt and Schwab Platinum, for which I happily pay the AFs, can fill their roles well enough.
Once I get a card I keep it. The only card I don't use is my Chase Southwest Visa which has an AF. I may close it since it doesn't really do anything for me. All free cards are useful and no reason to close.
I am straight up a bonus chaser. However, I'll only get rid of a card if it's giving me negative value. Most of my cards are keeper cards even if I only got them for a bonus. And I have some cards that were only ever good as keeper cards (Synovus, Citi DC).
I have some cards with annual fees that I'll likely only keep past a year if they give me a retention offer. Both my Amex charge cards are in that category.
I'll try for a retention offer on my Citi TY Premier and my hotel cards when they come up but I'm likely to keep at least some of them anyway. I like the perks I get with the hotel cards which offset the AF pretty easily if I take advantage of them. And if I keep the TYP for year two, I can get the bonus on a new one again the following year.
The Amex EDP is almost definitely a keeper regardless of its AF.
@marty56 wrote:Once I get a card I keep it. The only card I don't use is my Chase Southwest Visa which has an AF. I may close it since it doesn't really do anything for me. All free cards are useful and no reason to close.
I closed my Southwest because my return is negative. The CSR betters it.