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Last October I cold app’d and was approved for a Cap1 Quicksilver One card with a $500 SL. After three statements I was upped to $600 and after six months I Credit Stepped to $1100. After moderate usage and eleven months of PIF I called to see if I was eligible for a PC to something better. The two reps I spoke to both said I was ineligible but to keep checking. In quick sequence I used the card to buy a $900 TV and then immediately PIF the following day. Not two days later Cap1 informs me that my new SL is $3100. A week after that I check the upgrade link and see an offer for the Venture One with no annual fee.
So, am I in some aberrant bucket where QS1 limits grow larger than normal and PC’s to zero fee cards are possible? I’ve read here that the former is rare and the latter is rarer still.
I have cards from all the majors, FICO8’s ranging from 740-775, no lates, no BKs. Any insights from the Jedi Council appreciated.
I think you may have escaped the "starter bucket," although some report running into roadblocks later on.
As far as the PC, you might want to take the VentureOne offer as opportunities to PC QS1s aren't all that frequent. You won't receive any PC offers for at least six months after making the change. But the hurdle you want to jump is getting rid of the annual fee. Once you do that, it seems that PC offers will likely become available. I wouldn't be surprised to see PC offers appear for Quicksilver — and maybe also the Savor or SavorOne — down the road.
@HeavenOhio wrote:
But the hurdle you want to jump is getting rid of the annual fee. Once you do that, it seems that PC offers will likely become available. I wouldn't be surprised to see PC offers appear for Quicksilver — and maybe also the Savor or SavorOne — down the road.
Thank you for this bit. Using the Venture One as a possible stepping stone to a non-One card is very appealing to me. If this is a step towards that I’ll seriously consider the upgrade.
I started with Cap1 in the steps program (2013) and quickly made to it 3K (2014)and an upgrade to QS then I fought for a couple of years to get to 4500 (2016)and then this Feb after almost another 2 yrs I got it 7500 (2018). I'm sure at this point it is done for me.
I'm going to have to take 3 hards and have another Cap1 product to get into a different bucket at this point