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I have an Amex BCE (personal) and an Amex BBC (Business - used for my actual LLC registered business). I've had both for 3 months now - I just paid my 3rd statement on both.
The BCE has a CL of $2,000. The BBC has a CL of $15,000. I'd like an increase on both, but if I have to choose I need it more for the BCE.
My understanding is that with Amex I should ask for a 3x CLI after I've had the card for 3 months. Is that still correct?
Will it hurt me to ask for a 3x CLI on both of them at once? Or would I have a better chance by trying the personal card first and then the business?
Credit info:
FICO: 735
Discover IT - 1 year, 5 months old (oldest card) $2,000 CL
Amex BCE - 3 months old - $2,000 CL
Amex Blue Business Cash - 3 months old - $15,000 CL (I don't think this one counts on my personal credit report).
Inquiries in last 12 months: 1
Age of most recently opened account 3 months.
I'd ask for one, wait to see what happens, then ask for the other.
I don't have a lot of experience with Amex, so my advice is worth what you paid for it, lol.
Just wanted to follow up. I requested a 3x increase on the personal BCE card. Instant approval $2,000 -> $6,000.
Then I went into the business BBC card and it said, "You are not able to request another Credit Limit increase on this account because you recently had your Credit Limit increased. Please try again at a later date."
So I guess that means that each time you're eligible for a CLI request you can only make it once - you don't get a request for the personal side and another request for the business side.
Either way, I'm happy with what I got and I'll wait to request an increase on the business card.
Congrats on the 3X CLI ! That's my understanding as well, it's one CLI request at a time ( either personal or biz cards )
I recently learned you can split credit limits between cards with Amex. Congrats on your CLI, but if you need more, see if you can share it from your higher limit card.
@Ack226 wrote:Just wanted to follow up. I requested a 3x increase on the personal BCE card. Instant approval $2,000 -> $6,000.
Then I went into the business BBC card and it said, "You are not able to request another Credit Limit increase on this account because you recently had your Credit Limit increased. Please try again at a later date."
So I guess that means that each time you're eligible for a CLI request you can only make it once - you don't get a request for the personal side and another request for the business side.
Either way, I'm happy with what I got and I'll wait to request an increase on the business card.
From my notes concerning AMEX CLIs :
"...Minimum 6 month since last CLI rule applies across ALL accounts held by an individual and includes both personal & business accounts for the same person. So if CLI was successful on a personal account, no CLI can be approved on all other personal and business accounts for the same person for a period of 6 more months.."
Sometimes it just pays to ask what you want. I have a long-held AMEX Bonvoy card that had a minimal credit limit of $1k as they moved credit to other cards many years ago when I was getting a large CLI on the Delta card.
So with a minimum $1k credit line, I asked AMEX in July to increase the Bonvoy card to $10k. They asked for some bank account information and then raised the CL from $1k to $12k, more than I asked for.