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I will be bowing out in 2024 and watching from the sidelines. Won't be under 5/24 till 2025 and my next goal will be to get my next CSP or CSR bonus as my 48-month clock will reset in the summer of 2025.
I'll put all my spending up to $15K outside of food and emergency expenses on my Hilton Surpass so that I can get the free night certificate. Also, I'd like to finally have an entire year where my credit report just ages with no new accounts added.
I plan on closing a few cards too:
Been Gardening since May. May look at the BILT card next year if I can't find a place to buy.
I plan on downgrading the BCP to a BCE and closing the $1k CFU that I kept only because of a retention offer last year but no changes other than that, assuming no major news regarding my current cards by their issuing banks. After those changes:
Garden like my life depends on it lol.
My wife will apply for the Chase Amazon Visa this summer, but that's about it!
I plan CLOSURES - no new cards - only culling down to a suitable number for me
i will keep different companies - to manage my lender exposure
i will likely close anything that doesn't help with a CU/bank relationship
I have 23 CCs between personal and business. I will cull cards which I usually do once a year. For the first time Navy federal and USAA will be on the chopping block. I just don't use them. Home Depot, Amex Business Lowe's, Best Buy Visa, First Tech Credit Union, AOD credit union and Ducks unlimited are all under consideration. Most of these have redundant savings. If Amex BCP recon to erase the membership fee is denied I might get the AAA rewards visa for the 5% cash back in groceries.
maybe a wells fargo biz card or the autograph but cant decide yet :/
I don't think I have many goals for 2024 except just letting some of the 2023 inquiries age off. Currently 8 months with nothing on the report.
- CLI on Chase Amazon
- CLI on the Fulton Bank serviced Elan cards
- CLI on Discover #2 and then combine it with Disco #1
- CLI on BOA card
- CLI on Wells Fargo card
- CLI on Apple Card
See if I can get my 2 other scores above 800 cause Transunion is already there!
@1GaDawg85It's not often I see someone with FICO 8 scores higher than their FICO 9....just an observation that caught my attention!
This I closed two credit cards this year Synchrony's 2% Cash back Mastercard and Chase freedom Flex cards. Added SDFCU Platinum 2% cash back card. By June I will have only 1 inquiry on my reports. I have thought about the Affinity card for Amazon and bookstores for a year or two maybe in 2024. I will be gardening and maybe applying to join another CU it will help my Chex report to be not to be such a thin file. LOL