No credit card required
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Also the card doubles as a Walgreens, rite aid, and partial Walmart card as you can use it for any item besides alcohol and lottery tickets at Walgreens and for health and beauty items at Walmart.
@Apexcrest123 wrote:Also the card doubles as a Walgreens, rite aid, and partial Walmart card as you can use it for any item besides alcohol and lottery tickets at Walgreens and for health and beauty items at Walmart.
Are you talking about the non-MasterCard version? Can't the MC version be used anywhere? How would the card know which items you are buying at Walmart?
I just looked at a recent statement. Yeah, mine went from 26.99 to 32 as well. I guess it changed last May. I use it for the promotional 6,12,18 month and etc.. The prime rate hasn't jumped that much. They really are in the predatory area. Just Crazy