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I have a Discover card and I was recently denied a CLI. My score was sub 600 on all 3 bureaus, but the TU score showing on the Discover app on my phone said 651. My utilization was around 80% when I applied and my total utilization on all cards is around 70% now. I was given an auto CLI of 1300 from Wells Fargo, and I had to call in to get a CLI from Macys. I have paid down the balance on Discover and one of my other cards to around 5% utliization. I am just wating for an updated report and I want to apply for CLI's again.
Does anyone know what score I will need before I can expect a CLI from Discover?
Well, scores in the eyes of Discover are almost arbitrary anymore.
Your utilization would definitely need to report at 5% before they'd consider it. Payment history, experience at your current limit, how you treat other cards - these are important to Discover whereas your low-hanging fruits like Capital One or Credit One only care about scores and usage with THEM.
@Anonymous wrote:I have a Discover card and I was recently denied a CLI. My score was sub 600 on all 3 bureaus, but the TU score showing on the Discover app on my phone said 651. My utilization was around 80% when I applied and my total utilization on all cards is around 70% now. I was given an auto CLI of 1300 from Wells Fargo, and I had to call in to get a CLI from Macys. I have paid down the balance on Discover and one of my other cards to around 5% utliization. I am just wating for an updated report and I want to apply for CLI's again.
Does anyone know what score I will need before I can expect a CLI from Discover?
It doesn't go by score. I was just turned down with an 809.
+ 1 I was just turned down with an 757 tu fico + 2 inq. + 0 Balance
I got bumped from $1k to $1500 with a 653. Usage was at $0 at the time. Just ran $1200 through the card though. Going to try for another cli after getting the util back down in a couple of months.
Thanks. I'll keep it below 5% and apply when the new score comes out. Should I go off the score they are provdiing in their app?
It's not a score issue as others have said. It's more of a spending / credit management style they're looking for. They want you to be managing things and not hitting 70-80% or more of your CL on any card. I know it's hard when you have lower limits but you have to use some self restraint with CC's if you want them to blossom. Like anything else credit related, time will fix most of it. Pull back on the balances, give it some time, and give it a month or two to report the updates and then hit the button every other month and it should grow like a bean stalk.
My score is 718 right now, and has been bouncing around between 697 and 720 all year.
I have three cards taking advantage of balance transfer offers totaling nearly $18,000; they currently have 67%, 75% and 88% utilization. My overall utilization across all cards is 13%.
Discover didn't seem to bat an eye lash and still gave me $12,500 in CLI over the last six months (instant $6000 in June and another $6500 in August after 2 day review message).
In my experience they don't seem to sweat it if you have a couple cards reporting high utilization, though 70% overall may have been a bit much for them. Keep paying stuff down and hit that CLI button every couple months (or earlier if you pay a big chunk down) and you'll get there sooner than you think.