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I feel your pain. My scores dropped 8 points when that notation appreared on my Cap1 account. I posted about this in the "Saturation technique" thread and was told that such a notation could not cause a point drop, but there was absolutely no other change or explanation for the drop. I am shocked you could have such a tremendous drop. That sounds extreme and you should explore all other possible explanationss. Obtaining your full reports seems very prudent. You might want to contact the creditor directly and see if they can explain the notation and remove it. Failing that (and that did not work for me), you might want to contact each of the CRB's and see if you can get them to remove the notation. Someone reported successs with that approach. Please report back on what you do and your results.
Thanks for the reply. I agree 100 points is drastic but it’s also the fako score so who really knows. It May have no impact on actual Fico. My wife and I are joint account holders, her score (fako) only dropped 9 points. Pulled my full credit report and nothing changes at all. So this appears to be it. Will call and if that doesn’t work will do a cfpb andnor credit bureau dispute. Score impact or not, it’s not accurate.
Without being snarky, and what do you hope to achieve by filing a frivolous cfpb or CRA's "dispute"?
To force you vantage score to restore your score to what it was before the comment (?) - even though that score (VS based) is rarely used even by those that offer "free scores" online such as Cap-1 and their VS based "Credit Wise" - yet hard pull EQ/TU/EX and report FICO scores for actual credit inquiries - there are many other examples of lenders offering Vantage Scores for free, but not using VS for actual credit decisions.
You also memtioned that you just pulled your complete report and there was nothing showing on that report - so again, what could a complaint (comment aka they do not deal directly with consumer cases) to the cfpb do to help you? In a damned, if you do, and damned if you don't way if you file a dispute with the credit agencies (TU/EQ/EX) disputing the disputed comment by saying you disputed an account which in fact you are now disputing ever making such comment - then the account(s) will record - what you are trying to avoid, you have filed a new dispute.
I know it's annoying to watch the Fico vs Vantage Score balancing act, but one needs to pick their battles and IMO to file a cfpb "comment" aka complaint disputing your VS score seems like a waste of time.
BTW, my vantage scores are in the low 600's (Fair) yet my FICO scores are in the mid 700's (VG) - I have 24 active cards and over $400k in revolving credit lines which will give you some idea how "useful" Vantage Score are in practical usage.
@rbentleyI posted about this in the "Saturation technique" thread and was told that such a notation could not cause a point drop, but there was absolutely no other change or explanation for the drop.
I was the one that told you that in the Saturation Techique thread and I'll tell the same thing to the OP here. A comment cannot cause a score drop. A comment can only cause an account to not be considered by the FICO algorithm. An account under "dispute" may be eliminated from the FICO equation all together until the dispute is over and the dispute language is removed from the account. It's important then to understand that it's the account not being considered that may impact a score, not a comment on the account. An account comment is no different than any other written piece of information on an account such as your address.
I'd suggest the OP look at his FICO scores. FAKO drops of 100 points are just for laughs and don't matter.
I've had a ton of my accounts at one point or another possess dispute language and my FICO scores never budged even 1 point during those times. I therefore assume that at least in my case any accounts with dispute language were still being considered the same way [normal] by the FICO algorithm.
Ah so this was a Synchrony account. This further solidifies my point that the comment had no bearing on your score, as Synchrony was one of my lenders that constantly put dispute comments on my accounts with them during my GW campaign. Every Round of letters I sent out resulted in a GW adjustment denial and a letter stating that they've added "a dispute comment" to the account. I would then have to write them referencing my previous letter that was in no way disputing any information and that I was in fact acknowledging that the reported information was indeed accurate. They'd then drop the dispute comment, only to add it back again after receiving my next Round of GW letters. At no time though did my score ever change at all whether the dispute comments were there or absent.
An account in dispute can affect the score becasue the trade line(s) that are in dispute are not fully factored into the score. I agree that it should not cause that big of a drop. Something else has changed that will cause the drop that is derogatory.
Ironic data point for me to add here. For some reason my Synchrony account (Lowe's) didn't report to all 3 bureaus this month, or the bureaus didn't all update on or about the 27th like they usually do. I spoke with Synchrony chat on the 2nd and asked if they could do a re-reporting, or look into their reporting. Obviously I was in no way "disputing" anything. On the 4th I noticed dispute comments were added to my account once they did in fact report. No score drops though, verifying here that a comment will not drop your scores. I hit up chat again and asked them to remove the dispute language, something they said they would immediately do and send me a verification letter for. I must say that Synchrony is pretty annoying when it come to adding such comments to accounts.