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Hi all! I'm new to the forums and have a question. I've been rebuilding since December 2008 (immediately after my BK was discharged. I had a mortgage that was IIB but it was sold to another lender and forclosed and it just popped up on my credit report today 5/14/2009.
I currently have 6 CCs with limits ranging from $300-$4500 all paid as agreed and a $1474 balance on the $4500, a new car loan, Crown Jewelers $2500 CL all are new accounts - opened between Jan - May 2009.
No collection accounts.
My FICO scores are TU 568 and EQ 642.
Hopefully I've supplied enough info, if not please let me know and I'll give more.
How bad will this hurt my score?
What happened to the mortgage account during the bankruptcy? is the foreclosure correct?
The mortgage was included in the BK and has been since deleted from EQ and the late payments were removed from TU. Now that they sold the note to a NEW lender, they (the new lender) are the company who's reporting the Foreclosure.
I can't help you, but since your question was more of a scoring question than rebuilding, I moved your post here to the GCI board where I hope you can get some better input.
Having a new foreclosure report could likely do a lot of damage. I don't know much about BK and the laws of it, but maybe someone can chime in on how they have reported and if they have reported correctly.