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You new with PenFed? Suprised they didnt give a bit more, but if new they cap out at 10k for first 6 months i believe then will grow.. They have been great to me, but deffinetly have tightened up for most. What is your DTI as they look heavily upon that not just CC's, but SL's, car, etc.. 2k seems a bit look with mid 700 scores, but they use the 09 score so depending on that score also determines although your income is sufficent it sounds like for the 10k CL, but everyones profile is different... Treat PenFed right and they will treat you right. I use them for my main checking have a 70k starting Car loan now alot less a 27k CC use to be 35k with them as took some of the for a 13k installment loan and also have a LOC with them.. Great CU IMO.
Also as other echoed can't use household income with penfed.
I'm going to be polite as I can while responding.
According to previous posts:
-You are 21 years old
-You got 3-5 cards less than a month ago and in a creditor's eyes you are "aggressively seeking credit"
-You have recently been denied credit for this behavior
-Your own AAoA is extremely low
IMO it wouldn't matter if you made 100k a year, your CLs will be on the smaller side. You just don't have enough credit history or experience managing high credit lines. With the above statistics, you are very risky in the eyes of a creditor. Your income is certainly sufficient enough for a 10k SL. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but you need to cool it for a little while. You don't need 10 cards in rapid succession as you mentioned above. Even if you got 10 cards, that may still have adverse effects. Creditors can and sometimes do shut down your accounts after opening.
@Jnbmom wrote:
Penfed does not let you use household income only individual so you can't use your father's income . They are sticklers about income and credit lines.
That's true for credit unions in general. Credit unions are member-based organizations and as such they can only consider the actual income of the member(s) applying for credit.
In any event it appears that the OP is exploiting a loophole in the CARD Act (as implemented by Regulation B) by using "household income" in a manner it clearly was not intended to be used. Eventually the lenders will catch up and it will not end well. What many people don't realize is that lenders have many ways to verify the income claimed on applications. For example, Equifax's the Work Number provides employment and income history to lenders so its easy to cross-check. And there are several other data providers that have similar services.
Don't apply for ANYTHING else. Keep your utilization low on ALL cards. Request a CLI on the PenFed card right about 85 days (before 90) and you will most likely see an increase.
I honestly cant believe they let me in my AAoA without my AU account is 1.3 years and I heard that theyre totally aware of people trying to buff up their profiles with AUs , im sure all lenders have known it for years but apparentley Penfed has no mercy for AUs but decided to let me in anyway! Ill take it