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...I actually have one for a convenient local gas station (one of my 4 ccs) but the company sold its local stores and 100 miles seemed too far to get a tank of gas. And I am learning - I did not close the old one, especially as it is one of my oldest cards
So I checked out what was available and convenient, and one of the stations around here uses Barclays for its cards and usually pulls TU, sometime TU and EX. As it is EQ that is so upset about my Cingular Credit Pulls, I applied for this one. I knew I will take a score hit for new credit and lower average age, but I was willing to take that as I don't need a higher score right now, and the convenience of all gas purchases on one card and not having to carry cash is something I want (not need). The card is reasonable (13.9%), and as I am a PIFfer usually, all seemed OK. So I was approved, but there was an added bonus I didn’t expect. The credit limit is nearly twice as high as all my other cards put together
I think I have solved my utilization percentage problem for a while