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@Anonymous wrote:Hello:I wrote to a collection agency using one of the sample letter that Tuscani has posted in this forums.Via Certified letter, I sent A Collection Account for Origianal Creditor letter and the letter was never claimed by one of their rep. This letter was return to me as unclained.I am assuming that this ca is no longer in buss.My question are: What will be my next step? Should I dispute with the CB as not mine?thanks,Princess
Dear cra,
I recently attempted to contact collection agencies xxxx on my credit report at the addresses listed on my credit report. The letters I sent via USPS have been returned to me undeliverable because the companies “forwarding address expired, return to sender”. The collection agencies do not exist at the addresses mentioned in my credit report. I have included a copy of both sides of the envelopes for your review.
As you are well aware, under 15 U.S.C. § 1681i and § 1681s–2 of the FCRA, as well as numerous other places, you are required by federal law to report only accurate information. You have violated my civil rights by repeatedly reporting inaccurate information when I request my credit report, and when lenders view my report. This is a violation of federal law that I have a right to seek remedy for from the courts as it has caused me damage in how I am viewed by lenders, and terms of loans received.
I demand that within five days of receipt of this letter that these negative trade lines associated with this complaint be deleted from my file, as required by the FCRA. If this demand is not met, I will be filing grievances with the Attorney General, and the Federal Trade Commission.
I look forward to an expedient conclusion to this issue.
@Anonymous wrote:
Noah-Bodie, CA= Collection Agency. Is CA the wrong Abreviation? If so, Sorry!!!