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I had gotten a NFCU Cash rewards card about a month ago with a TU score of 585 and yesterday it was a 630.
I knew I wouldnt get another card so I went for a CLOC and apped for 2k and was approved.
Scores will be closer to 670's once my old barclay card balance updates.
Congrats on the CLOC approval!
What was the attraction of the CLOC over another credit card with Navy? Do you think it helps with credit mix? I am curious because I am thinking of doing that myself.
It shows as a revolving acount as far as what I read.
I just wanted more credit exposure with NFCU to be honest.
Once my 3 statements and 90 days are up my scores should be high enough for a CLI for my Cash Rewards card
Congrats on the approval!