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I emailed Credit One late last week with a request for a goodwill removal and woke up today with the account gone off all three reports!
Background on account for those wondering: Card was charged off in 2013, sold to Midland Funding. I settled with Midland Funding last year and got them removed from my report but the Credit One account still was on there, showing a 0 balance, but still showing as a charge off and bad payment history. Was not due to fall off til 2020.
My score didn't move at all, BUT it's about more than the score--it's what my mortgage lender will look at when looking at my report so I am glad it is GONE!
That's awesome! Can you please pm me the email address that you had success with?
pm sent
Congrats on your success! That has to be an amazing feeling. I have a similar situation. Barclay sold my debt to Midland. I settled with Midland and they removed from my report but Barclay is still showing a charge off. Do you mind PMing an example of the letter you sent to Credit One?
@Anonymouswrote:That's awesome! Can you please pm me the email address that you had success with?
pm sent!
Fantastic news. I am hoping Exeter Finance will do this with my (first ever and only) late payment from October 2017 for my car loan. It was a bank error with Wells Fargo (stopped payment for the same amount, but intended for a different compamny).
Congrats on your success, OP! Way to go!!
Great Job!
Thats one of my final hurdles to start the mortgage process. I would love the info if you could PM me the format and who you sent it to. Our cases ae very similar. Yay for you, One more step to home ownership