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0 negative accounts on EQ report but this is showing up. I do have a Discover account that was settled. Would just a settled account that is shown pays as agreed and no delinquency trigger these negative alerts? If it isn't the discover card i have no idea what account it could be. i have 0 closed or open accounts that are negative. this is driving me crazy. Is there any way i can contact EQ and find out what account this alert is refering to? if indeed this is legit, it should fall off in another 3 months right since the alert on the right says last late payment was 6years 9 months ago. i get if the discover account is negative because of the settlement remark on it, but it doesn't show any late payments (part of the settlement agreement). or does EQ FICO automatically calculate that a "settled" account must be delinquent?? 6years 9months does match up to the date of the last payment on this discover card, so i am thinking that's what it is, but i have no way to prove it.
The fact that is was settled tells me the account went to CO status and this is a serious thing in the eyes of Fico so yes its most likely triggering the info you see here.
Which if I remember correctly, that is what happened. BUT what happens in the cases where people use a debt consolidation company and they settle all the debts with them never going delinquent? Just a thought.
Settlement of a debt for less than its full amount is separate from reporting of delinquencies or a charge-off.
The CRA is apparently interpreting a settlement for less as an adverse item of infomation that is separate from a monthly delinquency or a charge-off.
It is still excluded as "any other adverse item of information" under the catch-all provision of FCRA 605(a)(5).
The exclusion of that comment would be no later than 7 years from the date of the settlement.
The message says 'serious dliquency OR a derogatory indicator'. The word 'settled' is a derogatory indicator.
Thats what I am thinking too. BUT that account or any other show any late payments whatsoever. Maybe like a previous poster stated, that FICO automatically assumes a "paid less than full amount" was a late payment.