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So i got this letter from Midland with title "Notice of Settlement of Entire Case" , option check box checked: "Conditional" and not sure if i need to do anything or just keep paying on the agreement made with them. See attached.
Thanks for any info regarding this.
Court paper showing you agreed to a settlement. And you settled to pay it off. Looks like it from the "satisfactory completion" stuff. Just keep on paying so it doesnt go to default. Im not a lawyer but thats what it looks like.
Thanks for that info!.
Kinda like your copy of the court report (document) for your keeping and proof if needed down the road. Congrats on getting it behind you once and for all.
Yes, that's what it looks like. I do keep all corespodence with them just in case and also screenshots of any of the account with them. But yes i have few more payments and will be done. Thanks!
Excellent! Sorry it had to come down to court stuff. But it will be in the past soon. Nice job.