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Would you PM the Honda contacts? Thanks.
Hello, check your pm's for the info. Good luck to everyone!
I would like for you to PM me the info. I have one 30 day and one 60 day dated 2008 that I hope to get remove
can you please pm the info and the letter format you used. Thanks very much.
Can you please PM me the contact info for Honda? I tried to PM you but it won't allow me.
Could you please PM me the contact info for Honda and the format of the letter you used. Thanks very much and congratulations on your success!
@FairCredBen wrote:So i have a TL from TMCC (toyota) that i am paying that has 4 - 30 day lates (was 5) i would like them to remove the last 4, could i get an example of your letter?
Did you have any luck with the removals of your lates? I just sent them a goodwill letter hoping to get 3 - 30 day lates and 1 - 60 day removed from 2011. Did you know that Toyota apparently has a dept or policy that helps customers with issues of removal/disputes - stuff like that the CSR told me. It's called their Credit Dispute Research Team. Appreciate any updates.
Can somoene send me the email,letter, and numbers they uses thanks!!!!
Can I take a sample of the letter you sent please?