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So there is a debt on my credit account that is reporting at about 10 grand. I want to save up to be able to offer a good enough pay to delete letter. How much should I be saving? how much should I offer in the letter?
Info you might need to add:
Who is the collection agency?
How old is the debt?
What's the date of first delinquency? And what state are you in?
The collection agency is National Credit Management. Its about 2 years old and why does state matter?
I live in the great state of Missouri
@DoctorCat hi and welcome to the forums
It's relatively new account so start around 40%-50%, and see what they say.
The amount is pretty high, so litigation is possible.
You could also offer even less and see if they counter with an acceptable offer
Looks like Missouri is 5 year SOL. 40% might be good start point, you will end up higher.
Ask them what they would take to settle. Do not be the first to mention a number. You will be negotiating against yourself.
Typically, the settlement will be lower if you can pay it in a lump sum immediately. So I'd save up $5k or so if you can, since 50% is probably around what the settlement you'll reach will be. You might get lucky and talk them down lower, but in my experience it's almost always been around 45-55%. Sometimes if the account is really near the end of SOL you can negotiate it much lower, but I wouldn't count on it - they could always decide they're better off just suing you for the whole thing.
Yes I agree 45 to 55 is a range that creditors usually like to get to. You have 3 years left before SOL so not much leverage.. ask them what lump sum will it take to settle ?
@DoctorCat wrote:The collection agency is National Credit Management. Its about 2 years old and why does state matter?
Who was the original creditor for the debt and is the 10k the correct amount of the debt that was charged off and now owned by this collection agency?