I always pay off student loan bills, but since I have so many, one got lost in the shuffle.
I moved years ago and they were going to my old house where family lived. Guess they didn't realize what it was. I paid off alot at the time so I guess I just assumed I paid this one off. I don't blame the company or them. I take full blame and learned to be more dilegent
I got a bill today from ESCI Federal Perkins Loan Servicer. Generated 4-5-24
It says
Current amount due: 40 Dollars
Past Due Amount 1,000 Dollars
Total amount due $80 Dollars
Confusing but due date is 05/01/2024. This whole thing is confusing because I'm pretty sure this loan is like 8 years old.
There is nothing on my credit report about this. I have a very very high credit score so this is upsetting to me
The accounts page on the bills Payoff amount through 5/1 $3,000
Past interest due, $1,245
I have no problem paying this entire thing off but now I am really worried
On the back it says:
Did you forget?
Your account is 15 days past due. Due dilligence regulations require us to report delinquent accounts to the credit bureau.
Credit bureau rating as fo the above due date: Past Due 30 days
Am I completely screwed now? Did I just wreck my perfect credit? I don't know what to do. I am trying to get a mortage in 6 months
What should i do?
My current FICO score is 830