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I have a total of 6 revolving accounts with a total of 102% utilization. I plan on doing Azeo eventually. My question is: will my score improve even I just get it slightly under 100% utilization?
Anything above 90% is a score killer and major red flag. Getting them slightly under that might get you a just few points because there's other score penalties at play with all your cards maxed out. In your current utilization neighborhood there's a highy elevated risk of balance chasing, which would keep your utilization at, or near maxed out status. To get out of the danger zone, and see any kind of meaningful score improvement you're going to want to get to under 50% aggregate and individual card utilization as soon as you can.
Going from 102 to 100 really wont move the needle. Your first step needs to be below 89% as noted above.
(69% is the next threshold.)
It might be useful if you list out the amounts owed by card/issuer and for how long.