I had the same thing happen after my BK, though I had no clue about any of this until about a year and 1/2 ago. (my BK was discharged over 4 yrs ago). Every account I had that was IIB was reporting incorrectly, they all showed past due amounts, in collections, no mention of IIB anywhere (except that my BK was showing in the Public Records section).
So I got all my reports, typed up all my letters, sent everything certified mail, etc...and lo and behold, everything was updated correctly on all 3 CRA's. My FICO's went up drastically after that! And luckily none of it has reverted back since then. I even have some accounts that have dropped off my reports, even though I don't believe they were due to yet, (and I never disputed them) but I wont complain about that!! Just whatever you do in your disputes, make copies of everything! Keep records of all the dates that you do any correspondence, whether it be by mail or internet. Keep copies of all your credit reports, too.