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Looking to see what you guys think my approval odds are for the Blue Business Cash mainly (or for the Blue Business Plus). I'm open to certain other business cards too; however, I have some requirements that knocked them out:
Basic Credit Profile:
I'm running primarily a computer building business; computer builds for whatever they need (gaming, workstation, video editing etc) is paid by the customer. Average I've seen is around $2K but can range from $800 on up to even $5K depending on what they need or want. Either way, when they send me the money, I buy all the parts on my (hopefully) business card and I'll take it from there. Sometimes also, I'll pre-build one where the customer can just buy it.
So of all the questions I have, I'm not sure what exactly to put for expenses part. But what's my approval odds?
The business is registered too as of April 2020 as a single member LLC; I have the tax ID and papers for those registrations.
Both the BBP and BBC should come with an intro apr period of 12 months. Some of the SUBs have been nerfed (subjective statement) but you can still enjoy some added benefits by applying through a referal link. Considering you were recently approved on the personal side in June with a low starting limit, I would attempt the 3x CLI to see where you stand with them. I was just approved for an Amex BBC two days ago with a $2k starting limit but it pushed my exposure with them to $36k. I know you're hoping for an SP but expect an HP, be the DP you want to see.