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Business Authorized user


Business Authorized user

I burned Amex in a BK 4 years ago. Im being put on as an authorized user for a business card, but ive heard people get turned down as authorized user for normal cards. I have the card and to activate it i have to put in my SSN, am i going to get stopped?

Message 1 of 9
Credit Mentor

Re: Business Authorized user

If you enter your SSN, it's likely that your charging privileges will be suspended on the card.  If you don't enter your SSN, your charging privileges will definitely be suspended on the card.  


Unfortunately without trying (or having recently apped for another product yourself) there is really no way to know if you are on the Amex blacklist.  It usually depends on the severity and recency of what they were burned for.  I would say being IIB 4 years ago doesn't seem likely as they will typically automatically deny a primary applicant who didn't even include Amex in their BK if it was within the past 5 years.

Message 2 of 9
Valued Contributor

Re: Business Authorized user

@chosen4th wrote:

I burned Amex in a BK 4 years ago. Im being put on as an authorized user for a business card, but ive heard people get turned down as authorized user for normal cards. I have the card and to activate it i have to put in my SSN, am i going to get stopped?

On business cards you can always get approved.   It is not like being added to a spouse or friend's personal AMEX.   You might have to address the issue with your personnel department, but I have read posts from dozens of folks who went to work for a new corporation and had burned AMEX and AMEX issues them the card (like AMEX is going to jeopardize a good corporate account when the cardholder isn't even responsible for the bill.)    

AMEX is about making money for AMEX.   Not losing a corporate client because one of their employees burned AMEX in the past is irrelevant.   The employee is not liable for the bill.    

Message 3 of 9
Moderator Emeritus

Re: Business Authorized user

@CH-7-Mission-Accomplished wrote:

@chosen4th wrote:

I burned Amex in a BK 4 years ago. Im being put on as an authorized user for a business card, but ive heard people get turned down as authorized user for normal cards. I have the card and to activate it i have to put in my SSN, am i going to get stopped?

On business cards you can always get approved.   It is not like being added to a spouse or friend's personal AMEX.   You might have to address the issue with your personnel department, but I have read posts from dozens of folks who went to work for a new corporation and had burned AMEX and AMEX issues them the card (like AMEX is going to jeopardize a good corporate account when the cardholder isn't even responsible for the bill.)    

AMEX is about making money for AMEX.   Not losing a corporate client because one of their employees burned AMEX in the past is irrelevant.   The employee is not liable for the bill.    

I think @chosen4th would need to clarify whether their op refers to a traditional AmEx business card or a Corporate Card from a large corporation since things are handled differently by each program.

Message 4 of 9

Re: Business Authorized user

It's a small business corporate card

Message 5 of 9
Senior Contributor

Re: Business Authorized user

@chosen4th wrote:

It's a small business corporate card

Just to be clear, does the card say "American Express Business" or "American Express Corporate" on the front?


FWIW, I start a new job next Monday and as part of my onboarding paperwork, they asked me to fill out an application for an American Express Corporate card.  Given my Chapter 13 burned AMEX for north or $25,000 back in 2015, I too have been a bit worried about what is going to happen; I'll be sure to report back next week.

Chapter 13:

  • Burned: AMEX, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, and South County Bank (now Bank of Southern California)
  • Filed: 26-Feb-2015
  • MoC: 01-Mar-2015
  • 1st Payment (posted): 23-Mar-2015
  • Last Payment (posted): 07-Feb-2020
  • Discharged: 04-Mar-2020
  • Closed: 23-Jun-2020


I categorically refuse to do AZEO!

In the proverbial sock drawer:
Message 6 of 9
Credit Mentor

Re: Business Authorized user

@chosen4th wrote:

It's a small business corporate card

As mentioned, the Corporate and Business divisions at Amex are quite different programs.  With few exceptions, "small business" and "corporate" are contradictory terms in the Amex world.  It's possible for a business to get accepted  into the corporate program if they link bank accounts that never have balances dipping below $2 MM in balances, but that would be a pretty big feat for any small business where cash flow is usually not that simple. 


My answer was definitely in relation to the much more common Business cards.  Typically, being added to a Corporate card you would complete an application and would have already furnished the required info, while with a Business card the primary account holder can simply request an Employee Card by entering your name.  It sounds like you have a Business card.  Since you already have the card, does the card read Corporate or Business?

Message 7 of 9

Re: Business Authorized user

It is business, not corporate

Message 8 of 9
Valued Contributor

Re: Business Authorized user

@chosen4th wrote:

I burned Amex in a BK 4 years ago. Im being put on as an authorized user for a business card, but ive heard people get turned down as authorized user for normal cards. I have the card and to activate it i have to put in my SSN, am i going to get stopped?

When they ordered your card they didn't have to give your SS#?


I think you will be denied charging privileges when they actually identify who you are. I have seen it happen twice now.


I have no experience with their corporate card but definitely understand that is a different animal.

Message 9 of 9
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